ZEISS medical and dental loupes
We are Brisbane's specialist ZEISS dental and medical loupes fitter
ZEISS medical and dental loupes
For the past decade we have been Brisbane’s leading supplier and fitter of ZEISS medical and dental loupes. We are extremely experienced in the supply and fitting of the lightweight spectacle mounted ZEISS GTX teleloupe.
Quality optical loupes such as these make demanding tasks more precise and allow for less eye strain when performing close tasks for prolonged periods of time. A further significant benefit is improved ergonomic posture causing less neck, shoulder and back strain.

ZEISS Eyemag smart loupes
ZEISS medical loupes offering flexible adjustments
- Fast positioning of the eyepieces with a single control dial
- Quick adjustment to preferred viewing angle
- Maintain vision and eye contact with your patients with a single adjustment

ZEISS medical loupes offering different frame carriers
- ZEISS titanium eyeglass frame
- ZEISS sports frame
- ZEISS laser protection sports frame
Our practice also houses an EyeMag Smart medical loupe with titanium frame so you are able to experience its superb clarity and adjustability for yourself.
ZEISS Eyemag Smart medical loupes offer a range of working distances from 300mm to 550mm with a 2.5x magnification
ZEISS GTX teleloupe spectacle mount system
We are a premium supplier of the ZEISS teleloupe GTX spectacle mounted loupe. These loupes provide a magnified binocular and stereoscopic view with their primary use being in dentistry, medicine and technology. The primary advantage of using quality German made loupes such as these, is the outstanding optics and clarity. Furthermore, ZEISS GTX loupes are lightweight, with each loupe and mounting ring weighing a total of 6 gram (2x mag) or 7 grams (2.5x mag).
The ZEISS GTX teleloupe is a Galilean teleloupe system with 2x or 2.5x near magnification. This is the most compact and lightweight design on the market. The loupes are available in a range of working distances from 300 to 500mm. The system is mounted onto a holding ring, cemented onto glass or plastic lenses of any prescription. These loupes can be mounted onto any stable frame. At Dean Samarkovski Optometrist, we specialise in the accurate fitting of these extremely popular loupes.

ZEISS GTX teleloupe spectacle mount system ordering process
As with any quality optical instrument, precise measurements are required to obtain the best visual results, therefore we take our time ensuring these are taken with the utmost care. We typically follow the steps outlined below when new ZEISS teleloupes are purchased through this practice.
> Initial consultation
We provide an initial consultation, at which an accurate refraction is performed and a discussion is made around selecting the preferred magnification and working distance. It is prudent to have considered the working distance prior to this consultation by measuring the actual working distance to the object or patient in the workplace, as this is variable for each individual practitioner.
> Frame selection and measurements
The next step is to select an optical or safety frame with great importance placed on comfort and adjustability. Precise measurements are then taken of your visual axis whilst in a head posture that simulates the working position that the loupes will ultimately be used in.
> Lens manufacture
The prescription or non-prescription lenses are ordered using quality ZEISS lenses and fitted to the frame. Once the lenses have been fitted, the frame is transferred to the Sydney ZEISS laboratory for cementing of the lens ring mounts using the precise measurements we made of your visual axis. The loupes are then mounted to the ring, and carefully transported back to our practice.
> Collection and adjustment
Once your loupes are ready for collection, we will schedule an appointment with Dean who will manually adjust the loupes whilst you are viewing a target to ensure both eyes are centred through the lens oculars. The frame kit adjust for comport and alignment and you shall begin using your new loupes. It is normal that the loupes may take a week or two to feel natural to look through.
> Follow up
We provide a follow up call after two weeks of wearing the loupes and invite you to return to the practice after 1 month to fine tune any loupe or frame component. Loupes generally do not require any regular special maintenance, however 6 monthly visit to our practice will ensure the frame is still in correct alignment and loupes are still positioned accurately before your visual axis.